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At the Garratt Street Centre Wanniassa
The Op Shop's usual opening hours are 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Donations are only accepted when the shop is open or by special arrangement with the manager, Brenda White.
Leadership of the Op Shop ministry passed to Brenda White in March 2023.
The Op Shop opened on 17 June 2010 and operated at the premises of the Tuggeranong Baptist Church, 33 Jenke Cct, Kambah until it was completely destroyed by fire on 17 June 2017 under the name of Seek'n'Find Op Shop. The volunteers immediately began to assemble a new stock of goods to be ready when the shop re-opened in temporary premises at the Wanniassa Shopping Centre in Sangster Place in October 2018. Here old and new connections were made with people who came to donate, to chat, to browse and to buy.
The shop moved to the Garratt St Centre in October 2019 when the premises was purchased by Tuggeranong Baptist Church.
The efforts of the Op Shop contribute to the church's Community of Givers fund that provides support for financial needs, especially to sole parents.
December 8 Mary—God Can Use You!
December 15 Shepherds—Everyone Is Important
December 22 Wise Men--Gospel is Better
December 25 Christmas Day Service
August 4 Is there More To Life than this?
August 11 Who Is Jesus?
August 18 Why Did Jesus Die?
August 25 How Can I Have Faith?
September 1 Why and How Do I Pray?
September 8 Why and How Should I Read e Bible?
September 15 How Does God Guide Us?
September 22 Who Is the Holy Spirit?
September 29 How Can I Resist Evil?
October 6 Does God Heal Today?
October 13 What About the Church?
October 20 Why and How Should I Tell Others?
October 27 The God we trust is
November 3 The God we trust is GOOD
November 10 The God we trust is SOVEREIGN
November 17 The God we trust is HOLY
November 24 The God we trust is WISE
December 1 The God we trust is FAITHFUL
Alpha is a phenomenon!
In the 31 years since its global launch in 1993, over 28 million people have attended the course worldwide, and its impact upon the worldwide Church has been enormous.
Not only have many come to Christian faith through Alpha, but it has decisively shaped modern evangelistic strategies and theologies.
Alpha serves us well in helping us to explain what we as Christian’s believe and how that belief changes our lives.
Alpha addresses the first order questions about life and faith. It seeks to clarify much of the central beliefs of Christianity and its practice.
Encounter Alpha at our Sunday service from 10:00 am,
Discuss Alpha Questions at our Explorers group on the following Tuesday, details linked below.
Watch Alpha sessions from our website or YouTube Channel
Themes for teaching at our Sunday gatherings for the month are:
Sunday June 16 From Here to Eternity James 5:7-11 [NIV]
Sunday, June 23 The Sin of Partiality James 2:1-13
Sunday, June 30 Marks of a Renewed Mind Romans 12:3-8 [NIV]
Sunday, July 7 Trapped By Tradition Mark 7:1-13 [NIV]
Sunday, July 14 What It Means To Be A Saint Philippians 4:20-23 [NIV]]
Sunday, July 21 Make Plans Without Playing God James 4:13-17 [NIV]
Sunday, July 28th Practicing the Presence of God Philippians 4:7 [NIV]
Each of the sermons are published on our YouTube channel and can be accessed via our App or Website on the Monday following.
Check out video update recorded by Pastor Ian.
Join with others at the Garratt St Centre to worship and to connect with our partners in outreach to the biker community, the God Squad.
Bookings are not required and you may sit where you choose.
What to expect:
We expect each attendee to accept responsibility for their own health and that of others. However, some measures to reduce the risk of infections from viruses remain in place.
It is recommended that you leave an empty seat between yourself and persons who are not known to you.
Hand sanitiser, antiseptic wipes, tissues and masks are available if you require them.
Team members at the entry of the auditorium will not offer physical greetings as handshaking may spread infection throughout the congregation.
Open the PDF for details about the style of our worship services and to find out how to load the Church App and use the RSVP function.
23 Garratt Street Wanniassa