Community service
Op Shop Manager and Team Leader
The Op Shop's usual opening hours are 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Donations are only accepted when the shop is open or by special arrangement with the manager, Brenda White.
Leadership of the Op Shop ministry passed to Brenda White in March 2023.
The Op Shop opened on 17 June 2010 and operated at the premises of the Tuggeranong Baptist Church, 33 Jenke Cct, Kambah until it was completely destroyed by fire on 17 June 2017 under the name of Seek'n'Find Op Shop. The volunteers immediately began to assemble a new stock of goods to be ready when the shop re-opened in temporary premises at the Wanniassa Shopping Centre in Sangster Place in October 2018. Here old and new connections were made with people who came to donate, to chat, to browse and to buy.
The shop moved to the Garratt St Centre in October 2019 when the premises was purchased by Tuggeranong Baptist Church.
The efforts of the Op Shop contribute to the church's Community of Givers fund that provides support for financial needs, especially to sole parents.
The Community of Givers raises funds for those in the community who are in financial need, especially sole parents with dependant children.
Funds are raised through:
Operation of the Op Shop
Direct giving - label your transaction COG Donation
Specials campaigns each year include:
Winter Warmth Campaign – to pay heating bills – so that families do not have to choose between food and warmth
Christmas Cheer Campaign – so that families may celebrate with gifts and other Christmas treats
Ways to participate
Donate clothing, accessories, household goods or volunteer to serve at Connect Op Shop. Contact Sue Massen.
Note: We are prohibited, by law, from selling electrical goods or baby car seats.
Distribution of funds
TBC’s lead pastor, Ian Reid, manages relationships with those we are able to help financially and distributes food vouchers.
Led by Ps Ian Reid, the Explorers seek out the more that God has planned for us until we come to see Him face-to-face.
- More in our relationships with Him and with others.
- More to know and more to do.
- More ways to worship and to serve.
- More to pray about and more of His wonders to see.
People who attend the group are up for the adventure of exploring the unknown and for taking the risks of change that come when we step out in faith.
Group activities are as varied as its name and will include meeting together weekly at the Garratt Street Centre where the program is likely to include prayer, teaching sessions, and sharing our experiences and insights.
Key verses for the group are:
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams [Acts 2:17.niv]
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.[ Proverbs 25:2 NIV]
All who are up for the adventure are welcome.
Kids' Church is a vital part of the church community.
We sing, play games, create craft, watch DVDs, discuss the Bible and pray together.
All children between ages 3 and 7 are welcome..
Kids' Church uses in the rooms named Kids' Space located on Level 1 of the Garratt St Centre.
Kids' Church operates each week during the teaching segment of the service during school term.
Those who work with children at Tuggeranong Baptist Church have a current Working with Vulnerable People registration and have attended a Creating Safe Spaces course.
For all boys aged 6-18
At the 14th Canberra Boys' Brigade, you will...
- Meet new friends
- Learn about being a Christian
- Enjoy fun games
- Learn new skills
- And lots more
Every Thursday during school term 6.30 pm
The Girls' Brigade's main aim is To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and through self control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.
Follow the link below to find out more about the Girls' Brigade.
Contact: to talk to the captain
Members who connect through Craft build each other up by this RESPECT model:
Recognise that everyone is different
Empathy - listen and recognise each others's feelings
Self-monitor and think first before speaking
Personal space - give each other room and privacy
Earn trust through actions
Cheer others on
Treat everyone as equals
The group meets fortnightly at the Garratt St Centre.·
People bring their existing craft projects.
· People learn new crafting skills from others in the group.
· People craft for a cause
· We can provide structured lessons in certain crafts including:
· Papercraft and cardmaking
People attending the group may choose to make a donation. All donations will be used for supplies for the group’s activities.
The gardening team works together to design, propagate and tend the gardens surrounding the Garratt St Centre.
They aim to achieve the following with the landscaping:
- Attractive and inviting all year.
- Manageable maintenance of the church’s ground. This includes pruning branches from neighbouring properties, moving lawn outside the church’s yard.
- Will not be a danger, incur damages or compromise security to the building and infrastructure eg. Falling tree limbs or cracking of concrete wall and floors.
The kind of plants to be included depends on which part of the grounds and the purpose of that area.
The team of CAP Money Coaches further the cause of Christians Against Poverty when they deliver the CAP Money Course several times each year.
This money management course provides delegates with tools to budget, save and spend wisely.
Team Members are trained in the delivery of the course and other services of Christians Against Poverty.
Tuggeranong Baptist Church make a regular contribution to CAP that gives delegates, who have completed the course, to the on-line debt management coaching and support.
The Worship Team provides the services that encourage the congregation to worship each Sunday. To sing, pray and learn and to be inspired by visual and video content.
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. [Col 3:16 NIV].
Members of the team are musicians, songwriters, singers and sound and visual technicians who take responsibility for developing their technical skills and living as worshippers in all aspects of their lives.
The team is also responsible for compliance with Copyright laws and making sure that the owners of songs and visual material receive royalty payment for their work through Christian Copyright Licensing International.
The team recoded and published over 40 on-line services throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. To do this, the team expanded their skill set to camera operation and post-production work.