16 August, 2021

Alpha series - 29 August to 10 October 2021 (1)

The ACT COVID-19 Lockdown has prompted a shift in the teaching schedule for our on-line and face-to-face services.

Commencing 29 August 2021, we will be streaming the Alpha series which is designed for both on-line and face-to-face delivery.

During times like the present pandemic, people often turn to the bigger questions of life - so, in that sense, Alpha is designed for such a time as this.

Once we come out of lockdown, we will continue the series in our face to face gatherings.

Click on the video to find out more.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space, online or in person, where people can explore life, faith and meaning.

Sunday 29 August Is There More To Life Than This?

Sunday 5 September Who Is Jesus?

Sunday 12 September Why Did Jesus Die?

Sunday 19 September How Can I Have Faith?

Sunday 26 September Why and How Do I Pray?

Sunday 3 October Why and How Should I Read the Bible?

Sunday 10 October How Does God Guide Us?

12 August, 2021

Lockdown response - cancellation of events

The lockdown restrictions will come into effect from 5:00pm today, 12 August 2021 and have been extended to 2 September 2021.

To comply with government requirements, the following events are cancelled:

Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade

Church Service - Online Only available from 10:00 am

Transition Team meetings

Op Shop closed

Women’s Dinner at Vikings Town Centre

Craft Group

Tuesday Discussion Group

For full details of what you can and cannot do and a list of the exposure sites follow this link:

We will keep you advised of any further developments affecting our activities.

In the meanwhile, Ian will be available throughout the lockdown period as will our Elders. Don’t hesitate to make contact with them, or with a friend should you need someone to talk to.

Prayer Requests can be entered directly into the App and are checked twice a day and published with notifications being sent to the people who are part if the prayer team.

26 July, 2021

Steps of Faith - teaching series for September and October 2021

Key Idea and Bible verses:

We’re reminded in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we “walk by faith and not by sight.”

But what exactly does walking by faith look like?

The mere phrase denotes the activity of movement.

Walking by faith means that you are embarking upon a journey.

Along this walk, we will have to do more than just believe.

We will have to be mindful of our thoughts, our words, and the actions we take – these are the fundamental steps to walk by faith in God.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."

The Series

Sunday September 5 Faith Is…. Hebrews 11:1-6

Sunday September 12 The Work of Faith Hebrews 11:7

Sunday September 19 Faith That Saves works James 2:14-26

Sunday September 26 The Perspective of Faith Hebrews 11:23-28

Sunday October 3 The Adequacy of Faith Hebrews 11:22

Sunday October 10 The Way of Faith Hebrews 11: 17-19

Sunday October 17 Perfecting Your Faith James 1:1-12

Sunday October 24 Faith Alone Hebrews 11:1-6

Sunday October 31 (Guest Speaker)

19 July, 2021

Mandy Gray - Interim Youth Pastor at Mosaic to speak at Tuggeranong Baptist Church

Originally hailing from Central West NSW, Mandy came to Canberra in the late 1990’s to study at the University of Canberra.

Mandy has been part of Mosaic Baptist church since 2000 and has been actively involved in the Mosaic Youth Ministry for a number of years.

She is passionate about working with young people and has been employed in the welfare field in Canberra for 15 years.

Mandy stepped into the Interim Youth Pastor role in February 2020. With her background in Social Work she loves to advocate for the needs of young people and has a fervent belief in the responsibility to steward our young people well and invest in their lives in an intergenerational way.

Mandy enjoys holistic approaches to well-being and is interested in the interplay between physical, emotional and spiritual health. She loves to spend time at the gym and working in her veggie garden.

Mandy was facilitator at the Creating Safe Spaces workshop on 19 June 2021, and all who attended appreciated her knowledge and sensitivity and engaging presentation style.

Mandy will teach at Tuggeranong Baptist Church on 22 August 2021 as part of our series Jesus Changes Everything.

8 July, 2021

Michele Black - July Newsletter including Great News

Michele's Newsletter includes the following:

After too many years of too much blood sweat and tears, today we picked up her Rwandan passport. We can’t thank those of you who have prayed earnestly for us for this document - many said it wouldn't come but we never gave up hope and we just kept asking ‘ what next’ - and here we are we have the testimony to tell and a book waiting to be written. So thank you friends - now we need borders to open up so we can fly home with this fresh new passport!

This happened on 6 July 2021.

Michele's accompanying email reads:

Hi Friends,

Feels like it's been a long time, I just noticed as I uploaded this edition that I used the flower girl photo in the last newslettr - please forgive me for that double up! I just really wanted to get this out to you before I call the day over.

We trust that you are all keeping safe and well through lockdowns and pandemics and vaccines, how we wish we could be closer to family and friends.

We have some exciting news in this newsletter so please read to the end and join us in celebrating!

We have so much to be thankful for during this season of uncertainty. Remember too, to let us know how we can be praying for you.

Many blessings,

Michele and Flora.

Open the Newsletter to read about how Michele has been spending time revisiting the Early Childhood teacher training work she pioneered when she first went to Rwanda and other news including the issue of the passport that means.

2 July, 2021

Hay family New from iKhethelo Children's Village, South Africa June 2021

David brings us news of the children in the village, an account of the waves of COVID on South Africa in general and the village in particular. There are stories of sports competition with a neighbouring children's village, the Easter dawn service at the village and the South Africa Youth Day celebrations which is a annual event.

David shares details of their decision not to return to Australia on Home Assignment this November and asks for our prayer support to have their visa extended.

To read the full Newsletter, download the file listed below.

24 June, 2021

Paul Kyalimpa

On Sunday, 20 June, 2021 we heard the sad news that Paul Kyalimpa passed into glory on Saturday and were urged to pray for his widow, Christine and the other children.

It is a particular difficult time of grieving for them all, as one of Paul's and Christine's sons, Moses, passed away on the previous Tuesday.

We remember, with fondness and joy, Paul's visit to Tuggeranong Baptist Church some years ago.

Tuggeranong Baptist Church partnered for many years with Paul in his work in Uganda including, in the later years, the establishment of an orphanage and school.

The picture of Paul is quite old as the newsletters he sent to us tended to show the people he was working with or the progress of various agricultural or building projects.

Please remember to pray for the family as they walk through this time of double bereavement.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever (Ps 23:6 KJV)

7 June, 2021

Jesus changes everything - Teaching at TBC July and August 2021

Teaching at TBC July and August 2021

Key Idea:

Change. It’s not always fun.

Some people do not like change. But, being a Christ-follower requires change. These days, the idea of necessary change is not popular. There are many who want to claim Christianity without having to actually live a Christ-like life.

It’s not enough to just claim to believe or say that you’re a Christian. There has to be a change. There should be evidence in your life that you truly follow Jesus. You have to be transformed.

Key Verse:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday July 4 Matthew 7:1-2 Stop Judging

Sunday July 11 Matthew 7:3-5 Correcting Our Vision

Sunday July 18 Matthew 7:6 Pigs and the Pearls

Sunday July 25 Matthew 7:7-11 Why Not Just Ask?

Sunday August 1 Matthew 7:13-14 The narrow gate

Sunday August 8 Matthew 7:24-27 Wise Foundation

Sunday August15 Guest: Alf Jonas Jesus Changes Everything

Sunday August 22 Guest: Mandy Gray Jesus Changes Everything

Sunday August 29 Ian Reid Jesus Changes Everything

24 May, 2021

Michele Black - May 2021 - Our last document

From Michele's email message of Monday 24 May 4.25 am (Australian Time) - follow the link to read the Newsletter

Hi Family and friends,

We have had a big weekend and are going to bed weary tonight. We'd love to ask you to remember to pray for us on Monday as I meet with the NCDA for (hopefully) our last Rwandan document for Flora to gain Australian citizenship.

Grab a coffee and read on,

As always thanks for partnering with us through praying for us,

Michele and Flora.
