4 November, 2021

The Impact of faith on Australian Society commissioned by Olive Tree Media

In February 2021, Olive tree Media commissioned McCrindle to conduct demographic and quantitative research to understand the role of faith and religion in forming modern day Australia. The key objectives of this research are to:

- Explore current trends and attitudes of Australians about the role of faith and religion in society.

- Understand the role Christianity has played in the history of Australia

- Investigate how Christianity has impacted the values of Australians

- Understand Australians' perspectives of Christians and Christianity

This report is useful for churches as they plan for the future and includes many facts that invite smaller conversations. Here are a few conversation starters:

- Despite Builders being more likely to identify with Christianity than Gen Z, it is the younger generations who attend church (either in church or online) more regularly....This could highlight a decline in cultural Christianity as members of the emerging generations who identify with Christianity may be more likely to live out their faith.

- Australians who were born overseas are more likely to remain committed to the religion they were shaped in from their younger years than those born in Australia.

- Those who are born in Australia re more likely to be cool towards Christianity than those born overseas.

- Younger generations are more likely to consider National Sorry Day important to the identity of Australia. Whereas older Australians are more likely to consider Australia Day as extremely/very important to the identity of Australia. (National Sorry Day rated higher than Melbourne Cup Day as important occasions to the identify of Australia).

- Australians who are warm/neutral to Christianity are most attracted to the Christian faith by seeing first hand people live out a genuine faith.

- Males are more attracted than females to explore Christianity further by being exposed to the Bible and its teaching.

Open the PDF to read the full report.

Inclusion of the report has been approved by Olive Tree Media. Check out their website for more resources.

7 October, 2021

December 2021 teaching theme - 'Tis the season

Sunday, December 5 Joy to the World Communion

Sunday, December 12 Our Finest Gift

Sunday, December 19 Fall on Your Knees

Saturday, December 25 Let Earth Receive Her King

6 October, 2021

November 2021 Teaching Series - Everybody's Welcome, Nobody's Perfect and Anything is Possible

Sunday, November 7 Everyone`s Welcome Communion

Sunday, November 14 Nobody’s Perfect

Sunday, November 21 Anything Is Possible (1)

Sunday, November 28 Anything Is Possible (2)

5 October, 2021

Michele Black - October 2021 Newsletter

Michele's email message that enclosed her newsletter reads:

Dear Friends,

We trust you are all well - surviving lockdown for those in Australia - aaah what a year hey!

Here's a little bit of news from us in Kigali - always feels like the day to day is a little mundane, hopefully there's something in here that will excited you - or not!

Please write and let us know how we can support you too,

Many blessings,

Michele and Flora.

30 September, 2021

October 2021 Teaching Theme - the Alpha series

Sunday, October 3 How and Why Should I Read the Bible?

Sunday, October 10 How Does God Guide Us?

Sunday, October 17 How Can I Resist Evil?

Sunday, October 24 What about the Church?

Sunday, October31 Why and How Should I Tell others?

30 September, 2021

Hay family News from iKhethelo Children's Village, South Africa September 2021

David Hay sent the following message with the September Newsletter:

Dear Friends at Tuggeranong Baptist Church

Greetings from David, Janenne and Rachel. Welcome to our September newsletter.

Our newsletters usually contain details of fun activities we have been doing with the kids.

Most of the last three months has been spent in level 4 lockdown, we have had cases of COVID in the village, and there have been other events that have limited what we have been able to do.

That doesn't mean we haven't been doing fun things, but this newsletter focuses on some other events from the last few months.

This has been the hardest three months we have had since coming to South Africa in 2015. While it has been challenging, we can testify to how the Lord has provided during this time. More on this later in the newsletter.

The Newsletter contains:

- Details of lockdowns and how the village coped with an outbreak of 7 cases of COVID

- An account of Civil Unrest in Kwa-Zula Natal province where the village is located and how the Lord provided food to the village when riots and looting resulted in short supply of everything.

- A report on Andrew Hay's medical treatment as he moves towards the end of a 10 week course of chemotherapy.

- The story of a young boy suffering because of the high levels of trauma he has experienced. TBC recently contributed towards this young man's medical expenses.

- The good news that, instead of postponing the return to Australia on Home Assignment, the family may return as early as February 2022. Others who have been unable to take up positions because they have been locked down in countries of origin are becoming eligible to travel to South Africa.

26 September, 2021

Pack your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox On-line Option for 2021

Samaritan's Purse have advised our OCC co-ordinator that:

With the current restrictions in New South Wales and the ACT being extended, we have prayerfully decided to move shoebox collection to 1-14 November. This is to allow more time for the easing of restrictions and provide an opportunity for shoeboxes to be collected in the safest and most achievable way.

We also have Pack A Shoebox Online available. For $30 you can choose to pack a shoebox for a boy or girl, choose an age group and write a personalised letter. We will then pack and ship the shoebox for you. Please note $30 includes the $10 donation to cover shipping and project costs.

Follow the link to the Samaritan's Purse website to pack your shoebox On-line.

22 September, 2021

Daily Nudge by Karl Faase published 22 September 2021

Attached is a sample of the Daily Nudge mentioned by Ps Ian in his Video Update this week. In this message Karl presents some thoughts on Ephesians 1:21-23

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church. (v 22)

Our lead pastor, Ian Reid, subscribes to Karl Faase's Daily Nudge and suggests that you might be encouraged by Karl Faase’s Daily Nudge from yesterday published here with permission from Olive Tree Media.

If you would like to receive the Daily Nudge, sign up at

We have previously met Karl (on-line) as presenter of the Jesus the Game Changer series that we have enjoyed in the past.

Open the attachment and read on.

15 September, 2021

Daily Nudge by Karl Faase

Our lead pastor, Ian Reid, subscribes to Karl Faase's Daily Nudge and suggests that you might be encouraged by Karl Faase’s Daily Nudge from yesterday published here with permission from Olive Tree Media.

If you would like to receive the Daily Nudge, sign up at

We have previously met Karl (on-line) as presenter of the Jesus the Game Changer series that we have enjoyed in the past.

Open the attachment and read on.
