29 November, 2020

Hay family November 2020 News from iKhethelo Children's Village, South Africa

David shares some thoughts on the difference between worry and anxiety as he reflected on Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

To read about it and the full November Newsletter to catch up on all the news from the village, download the file listed below.

27 November, 2020

Michele Black - 26 November 2020 - Newsletter

Read Michele's email message received on 27 November 2020 and open the PDF to read her newsletter.

Hi Friends,

Yes, I know you haven't seen my name in your inbox for a while - but MAN - what a year - I could write pages about it but have hopefully kept it short as a quick update and a hello from us.

I deliberately didn't mention Christmas as we hope to send you a greeting as December approaches.

We trust you are all well and surviving this season of Covid - please do send us some of your news too and how we can be praying for you and your family.

Much love,

Michele and Flora.

23 November, 2020

TBC Vision - a video message from Ps Ian Reid

Click on the link below to watch Ian's explanation of the church vision as we move forward.

19 November, 2020

Ian's Update 13 November 2020

Ian's Update 13 November 2020

Read the attached Update for details of:

Trial Results

Outlines The Garratt‑ Street experience and peoples’ responses to the experience. The result is the decision to carry on with Sunday services at the Garratt St Centre and on -line each Sunday and Christmas Day and then to revert to on-services only until resuming Garratt St Centre services on 31 January. Church on-line will continue.

The Update explains the reasons for the break for teams who have worked throughout the year and how ministry will look during January when I will be available and producing the on-line services.

Changes to restrictions

The changes to restrictions on 13 November 2020 to allow gatherings of 500 do not affect us as the Auditorium only has capacity for 52 as determined by the 4 sqmtr per person and 1.5 mtr distancing rules.

Looking forward with faith

I will be releasing a video explanation of conversations around our theme love God – love People and forward planning for whatever may come in 2021.

Looking Back with thanks - Our Story for 2020

Outlines the plan to collect your stories from 2020 as a substitute of the usual annual reporting from various groups.

Christmas Cheer Campaign

Invites you to contribute to this year’s Christmas distribution of gift vouchers to the increased number of sole parents we have on our books.


A snap shot of our income and thanks for the support provided by the government this year.

Missions—Pioneers Australia

Announcement of a visit from a representative who is home in Canberra because of the pandemic.

Safe Church Policy and Procedures

Policy and Procedures recently adopted are available in the App in the About Us section.


Thanksgiving and intercession.

27 October, 2020

Light of the World - hope in the darkness

Teaching @ TBC - leading up to the celebration of Christmas

This series will be featured in both our physical services and the recorded service released on each of the following dates:

Sunday, Nov 22nd to Sunday 20 December 2020

Friday, Dec 25th Christmas Day Celebration

As Christmas Day in on Friday this year, there will be no Sunday service on December 27th.

27 October, 2020

Message from Paul Kyalimpa

Love greetings

We very much appreciate you for the love grant of Ushs 3,522,000/ we received on 29th Sept 2020.

This comes in at the right time we are opening the school.

I have been busy on the issue of opening the school.

The Ministry Of Education is demanding lots of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to prevent corona virus infecting children. We were checked and we got a certificate with 80% and we were told to provide what we did not have.

We are now open with primary seven 15 candidates who are due to sit for their final exam at the end of March 2021.

Thanks for the funds that has assisted us to put in place lots of SOPs to prevent corona virus infecting students..

Please convey my love greetings to all at TBC and we keep praying to our Lord Jesus Christ to keep you all safe and well.

Paul Kyalimpa

28 September, 2020

Pioneers Australia Updates no longer available at the Information Desk

Due to COVID 19 restrictions,, the Information Desk at Garratt St is longer in operation.

Because of this, we will no longer be able to distribute copies of the Updates sent by Pioneers Australia.

Instead of collecting a magazine from the Information Desk, you can visit Pioneers Australia's website, read their latest and sign up for their updates to be sent to you individually from the Home Page.

Pioneers Australia vision is for ministry to Unreached People and we have links with them through our partnership with Phil and Jenny Malone in Thailand over the past 15 years.

27 September, 2020

Michele Black - September Newsletter No 2 - It’s Happening…

Michele Black - Psalm 68:19

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens.

This morning I woke up to a text message from our case worker Sally who wrote ‘Just letting you know that we have official approval to proceed’.

At 7am I had a phone call with her that went for over an hour as she explained step by step the whole process of what an Intercountry adoption entails.

Read the rest of Michele's news in the PDF below,.

21 September, 2020

Michele Black Newsletter September 2020

Hi Friends,

We had some exciting news this past week that has lifted our spirits a lot - please take some time to read about it and join us in praying for some specific things.

We trust you are all doing ok during this season of uncertainty. Please let us know how we can also be praying for you too.

Many blessings,

Michele and Flora xo

Open PDF for full Prayer Requests from Michele
